(Letzte Bearbeitung / last updated on 24/10/2024)

↓ English
Debra Hutter (geb. Veit) und ihr Bruder Barry Veit, die Urenkel von Adolf und Settchen Guckenheimer, leben mit ihren Familien in Skokie bei Chicago. Ihre Urgroßeltern wurden 1941 von Frankfurt aus deportiert und ermordet. Ihre Mutter Ruth entging dem Holocaust. Bei meinem Besuch 2023 in Skokie durfte ich sie kennenlernen. Die Familie war berührt von meiner Spurensuche zu den Frankfurter Vorfahren und deren ehemaligen Haus Günthersburgallee 79, das ich als Mieter bewohne. Was aus meiner Recherche geworden ist, ist auf dieser Website zu lesen.
Die Stellungnahme von Debra und Barry zum Gedenken an ihre Urgroßeltern findet sich hier: (↓ Zum Statement)
↑ Deutsch
Debra Hutter (née Veit) and her brother Barry Veit, the great-grandchildren of Adolf and Settchen Guckenheimer, live with their families in Skokie near Chicago. Their great-grandparents were deported from Frankfurt in 1941 and murdered. Their mother Ruth escaped the Holocaust. During my visit to Skokie in 2023, I was granted the opportunity to meet her. The family was touched by my research on their Frankfurt ancestors and their former house Günthersburgallee 79, where I live as a tenant. What has resulted from my research can be read on this website.
The statement by Debra and Barry in memory of their great-grandparents can be found here:
„This website is dedicated to the Guckenheimer Family, one of thousands of families who showed unwavering love and commitment in their attempt to help their family, and others, survive this dark period in history. Their granddaughter Ruth Koch Veit, our mother, lived in Frankfurt with her sister and grandparents.
The letters you will see on this website were in the possession of Ruth Koch Veit, until several years ago, and remained unread, until they were translated for us by Dr. Hermann Tertilt. The letters are a painful and desperate narrative to the family’s story.
We are grateful to Hermann Tertilt for researching and uncovering the history of the building where he lives, Guenthersburgallee 79, and the story of our family who lived in Frankfurt at that time. His desire to learn and share this saga has been enlightening.“
September 2023